Mad Dog’s Picks for the Five Coolest Athletes of All Time
If you’re a total sports fanatic, you definitely have a list of who you think are the coolest athletes ever in your life. Either you grew up with these players or you picked them up as you got older.
I have been following sports pretty intently since third grade. With my ball card collection and watching games with my parents on a Zenith color television since 1965. Yeah, I can remember all the way back to those days. I have always also remembered players who got me interested in their sport. There have always been top-tier players who were great and stood alone with their cool styles. So I decided to put my list together and I want you to tell me your list too. Everyone has a list.
First on my list would be Joe “Willie” Namath or “Broadway Joe.” He played most of his career in New York with the Jets. He also played at Alabama for Paul "Bear" Bryant. Joe Namath was a pure passer and a great player. He guaranteed that the Jets would win Super Bowl III and they did. He was the Super Bowl MVP and didn’t even throw a touchdown.
Next up is "The Doctor” Julius Irving. He was “Magic” and Michael Jordan before they ever stepped on an NBA court. He could dunk and fly. This cat would just take over a game. He played in the ABA and the NBA.
Also on my list is Mohammed Ali, who is the greatest one of all time. He was just unbelievable. His life was something of historic nature. He went from Cassius Clay to Ali. What a trash talker who could always back it up.
Next up is the Golden Bear, Jack Nicklaus. Out of THE Ohio State, Nicklaus was absolute greatness. He will always go down as one of the greatest pro-golfers ever. He can walk on water in my books.
My last cool cat is "Mr. October” and, of course, that is Reggie Jackson. Jackson was the straw that stirred the drink in New York with the Yankees. He hit three home runs in one World Series game off of three different pitchers. He was an electric baseball player.
All of these guys are cool cats still to this day. They all stuck out to me as just excellent players that had style, pizazz and were dominating cool players. They all had their own swagger before anyone ever spoke about this topic. The question now is, which players do you think are the coolest?