Do you recall teachers back in the day saying that in life you would not always have a calculator in your pocket? Turns out they were wrong - dead wrong. Two words cell phone.

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Do kids even pass notes in class anymore or is it all text messages? Do students in 2022 have to learn how to tell time on an actual clock with hands? Are No. 2 pencils still needed for test taking or is all testing in schools done on computers?

Things have certainly changed since I was in school. I had a Trapper Keeper - not a laptop. Going to get school supplies in the 1980s meant a trip to KMart - not an electronics store. Now back to school lists include USB flash drives and hand sanitizer.

All kidding aside, I do not have kids so I really don't know what students need in 2022, but I am quite confident they do not need a protractor. I mean come on, have you ever used a protractor in real life?

Take a look at my list of 10 retro school supplies from back in the day below. If you do have kids, let me know if they actually need or use any of the items I included on my list. I am curious as to just how much school supplies have changed from 1984 to 2022.

One thing that I hope has not changed is the lunch lady school pizza. Is that still a thing? If not - it should be.

Maegen's Kitchen via YouTube
Maegen's Kitchen
via YouTube

10 Retro School Supplies

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