Old guys (and ladies) rock.

Everyone needs some old people around to give them good advice. Tom Izzo is no exception. He might be the face of the Spartans, but he's got guys around him on the State coaching staff that get him through everything that comes with running a program as big as Michigan State. According to the Detroit Free Press, those two guys are Mike Garland and Doug Herner, an assistant coach and the assistant video coordinator. Izzo's known the two forever. They're like family to Izzo. And like everyone's family, they agree with Tom most of the time - except for the 2% of the time that they don't. Yeah. As mad as Izzo gets on the sidelines, there's someone who won't hesitate to tell him he's wrong when they need to.

I don't think I'd want to tell Tom Izzo, "you're wrong". Especially about basketball.

Good article. Go Green. Go White. Let's wrap this thing up.


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