After the spring football game next weekend at Spartan Stadium, they're going to tear up the turf on the field - and sell it. Here's your chance. Any true Spartan fan would have at least a piece of Spartan Stadium in their backyard.

According to, here's how this is going to work:

After the game on Saturday April 13th), the turf will be pulled up so a new playing field will be ready for the fall. The Spartans open their season on August 30th, at home, against Tulsa. Around 2500 pieces of turf (depending on how the weather affects the field during the game) will be sold for $10 each through the MSU Surplus Store. The sections of turf will be sold in nine square foot sections and you'll be limited to six sections. The plan is to have people pick up the turf starting that following Monday.

$60 for a little more than 50 square feet of actual Spartan Stadium turf In your backyard? Come ON!

And I would tell everyone in your neighborhood that it came from the end zone.

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