Take a Short Trip to Michigan’s Shortest Highway
I was recently driving with someone who made a valid point about how Michigan thinks of highways and how we play a little fast and loose with the term. He said, "I got on a highway the other day that was literally just a dirt road."

I thought, "fair".
I mean, think about it for just a moment... Stretches of road, like Saginaw Highway and M-96, are both highways, but they're completely different from each other. So, that got me thinking, where's the shortest highway in Michigan?
The Shortest Highway in Michigan
If you ever want to go on an adventure and check out the shortest highway in the Mitten State, just make your way to Cheboygan County, situated near the tip-top of the lower peninsula.
The shortest highway in Michigan is M-212, known locally as Center Street. It runs between M-33 and Aloha State Park in Aloha.
Just how short is M-212? It measures in at only .732 miles. So not even a whole mile.
To put that into even more perspective, that is only a little over 12 football fields long.
Facts About Michigan
If you ever had a random thought like this pop into your head, I would highly suggest looking it up... you might be very interested in what you find.
I did that recently when I learned that there were items made by Tiffany's of New York specifically for Michigan's Capitol Building. Tiffany's made one-of-a-kind chandeliers that hang in the building. You can read more about them HERE.
11 Quirky and Random Facts We Didn't Know About Good Ole Michigan
15 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Michigan
10 Facts About the U.P. That You May Not Know
Gallery Credit: Casey Daniels