You Know You Wanna Name A Lansing City Snow Plow
Quit playing. Don't act like you don't.
Imagine the joy of seeing a snow plow (when and if they actually ever do use them) that you helped to name.

Mind you, spring is pretty much here so you'd have to wait until next winter to see the snow plow you named (and again...they'd have to actually use it...on the streets...to plow snow...we're trying to say we really didn't see much of that this year).
Like many other cities across the country, Lansing has decided to have a "Name The City of Lansing Snow Plows" contest.
Here's the rules:
- Residents will have the opportunity to help name the snow plows by submitting their suggestions from now until Monday, March 15.
- Once submissions have been reviewed, a voting round will begin on Tuesday, March 16. Voting will be open until Monday, March 22.
- After voting for the second round has been closed, the winning names and their corresponding truck number will be announced. (Lansing.gov)
The City of Lansing, Michigan - Government Facebook page was also quick to point out "fun and family-friendly name suggestions". So easy on the swearing there you heathens and pirates.
You can submit your suggestions HERE. There's a list of guidelines too so read everything or your snazzy suggestion could be dead in the water before you finish putting it in the form.
I wonder how many "Plowy McPlowface" nominations they've received. There's always one or two of those. Like in Minnesota.
The top 8 winners were:
- Plowy McPlowFace – Metro District
- Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya – District 4
- Duck Duck Orange Truck – District 1
- Plow Bunyan – District 2
- Snowbi Wan Kenobi – District 6
- F. Salt Fitzgerald – District 7
- Darth Blader – District 3
- The Truck Formerly Known As Plow – District 8 (Minnesota DOT)
Snowbi Wan Kenobi still makes me chuckle. And that Ope, Just Gonna Plow Right Past Ya.
Head to the City of Lansing Facebook page to read the comments. Not a lot of name suggestions for snow plows. There were some calls to name the potholes though.
Honestly, I don't think we have anywhere near enough time or suggestions for that.
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