Dress Warm if You’re Watching the Spartans Play Tomorrow, Snow is Still in the Forecast for Lansing This Weekend
We all know that Michigan weather is unpredictable. So unpredictable in fact that there have been times where we've seen four seasons in a day.
At the beginning of the week, we mentioned how there was snow possible over the weekend. Well, the weekend is here now and there is STILL snow in the forecast. That means that the first snow of the season is probably going to happen, weather you like it or not...see what I did there?
Brrr, It's Cold in Here
The National Weather Service is reporting that there’s a 50% chance of snow tonight. That means that you'll want to dress warmly if you're going to the MSU vs Maryland game at Spartan Stadium on Saturday. Yes, the game isn't until 4 PM, but you don't want to be freezing your butt off before halftime, so make sure you layer up!
Will the Snow be Sticking Around?
The best bet for when it will actually snow, though, is on Sunday. They say that snow showers are likely before 10 AM and then snow and rain showers are likely throughout the rest of the day.

Is the snow going to stick?
Probably not. The NWS says accumulation of less than one inch is possible on Sunday, but with the warmer temperatures we’ve had, it’s unlikely that we’ll have any significant accumulation if we get any at all.
Snow is Here for the Season
While this may be the first snow of the season, it definitely won't be the last. And since we live in Michigan, we can most certainly expect more intense snowfall as winter continues. Don't get caught in a bad situation, make sure you and your vehicle are prepared for the coming snow. Check out how you can prepare your vehicle this winter HERE.
UP NEXT: 10 Signs That Michigan Will Have an Awful Winter
SEE MORE: How to Prevent Snow Melt Flooding
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