Michigan State Police Provide Free Anti-Theft Devices to Owners of High-Risk Cars
Car Thefts are on the rise, not only in West Michigan, but across the US.
It's likely you've heard about the problems with the "kia boys", which are just groups of generally 13 to 16 year old kids who have figured out a quick and easy way to steal certain models of Kia Vehicles, to take them on joy rides, where frequently they cause property damage and serious crashes.
But, Kias aren't the only vehicles that have been targeted by thieves of all ages. Another popular car manufacturer with a similar issue is Hyundai.
And while previously, Hyundai has offered glass break sensor security kit installations for the effected vehicles, this cost owners $170 to install, making it a less than ideal solution.
Now, Hyundai has followed in the steps of Kia, and they've teamed up with law enforcement agencies across the country to help solve this problem.
Michigan State Police announced yesterday that Hyundai has partnered with them to help get anti-theft devices out to owners across West Michigan and the rest of the state.
These steering wheel locks may not stop someone from breaking into your vehicle to start, but it will make it nearly impossible for them to move and steal the vehicle past getting inside. While this solution is far from perfect, this device paired with other techniques could keep your car in your driveway, especially if it's susceptible to this social media trend.
If you would like to claim one of these devices for your vehicle, you just have to stop by one of four West Michigan Michigan State Police posts (Mt. Pleasant, Hart, Lakeview, and Grand Rapids) from 8am to 4pm, Monday through Friday with proof of ownership, and it's yours for free! And you can read their tweets about it below:
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