Mad Dog Wants You to Make a Difference Today
With everything always being so stressful, people need to just take it easy and relax. But it’s hard. I really feel with the Pandemic still lingering, the European Conflict and everything else, that people that can be negative people need to try and make a difference.
There are just so many people that drive defensively and flip you off for no reason. People don’t care about other people that much anymore. That is the flat-out truth too. There is not a lot of empathy. I see more of this every day.
I try to pay it forward every day. Like I said, a lot of people are in a hurry to go nowhere most of the time. Is it my imagination, or do some people try and take advantage of other people? I really am going to start trying even harder to make a difference at home, work and anywhere else.

My life is about to change big time, and I’m so looking forward to it. At 62, this is a perfect age for a change and transition. People should really try and make a difference every day. One way or another, you should try and make a difference. I really believe it’s never too late to make a difference. Just try it, you might like it. Life is just too short to just think of yourself all of the time.