Michigan Will Be Invaded By Bug You Shouldn’t Kill
Normally you hear about ticks and invasive bugs that you must watch out for in Michigan but soon the state will be invaded by a bug you shouldn't kill.
The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug Right?
I am sure you have heard people say "The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug" and I think most people would agree especially when talking about mosquitoes.
Ticks are another bug I think we can all agree that we and the animals wish were all dead. With Michigan's warm winter ticks will be a much bigger problem this year than usual so prepare for them now.
The spotted lanternfly is a lovely bug, but don't be fooled because it feeds on more than 70 different plants, including grape vines and hardwood trees, and is highly invasive to Michigan's ecosystem. If you see one, kill it.
Read More: 2 New Invasive Species Have Been Added to Michigan's List By DNR
If you plant a garden in Michigan and have trouble with potato bugs, wasps and lady beetles love to eat them. So some bugs in Michigan help us out and we need them. There are lots of good bugs out there but a new one is about to invade Michigan.
Michigan Will Soon Be Invaded By Bug You Shouldn’t Kill
Crane flies have been in Michigan for several years now and kind of look like giant mosquitoes and happen to be a very misunderstood bug.
According to the University of Arizona, about 95% of crane flies lives are spent in the larval stage which is about 3 years or more. During this time, they recycle and decompose the leaves, plants, and smalls of organic material in the soil or water bodies where they live.
Crane flies are not in the mosquito family and sometimes can be a nuisance by flying around your head or your outside lights. Don't kill crane flies because they do not harm humans at all they just help make things better in our ecosystem.
Below are the bugs you should kill if you see them in Michigan
10 Invasive Plants & Insects You Should Destroy if You Spot Them in Michigan
Gallery Credit: Michigan.Gov