The housing market in West Michigan is really rough right now. A year ago, on average it took around 25 days for a house to sell in Grand Rapids. As of March 2022, it's an average of 4 days. So, if you're feeling the stress of trying to own your own space, maybe you'll get a strike with this property instead.

Autumn J Colby / REMax
Autumn J Colby / REMax

This turn key business in Carson City is a four lane Bowling Alley who is looking for it's next owner. According to the listing, The Carson City Lanes located at 216 W Main Street are 4,464 square feet of nostalgic glory wrapped into one room.

The Bowling Alley itself has 6 lanes that are ready for players, and a unique aesthetic that includes having the original décor, and scoring desks versus the standard LED screens with flashing graphics and annoying puns.

And if you're thinking to yourself: Can I actually make money off this investment, here is some simple math for you. According to, the average bowling alley can expect to make approximately $36,750 per lane annually. Though bowling alleys have seen a decline in popularity, the industry is currently in a rebuilding stage and is beginning to grow once again.

Autumn J Colby / REMax
Autumn J Colby / REMax

But can you actually pull that sort of traffic in Carson City? Well, with a population just shy of a thousand people, it may be a little difficult. But, if you plan to have 3 bowlers per lane, per day and you charged $10 a game, you'd make around $180 a day. In a 30 day month, that rounds up to $5400. And with the right down payment and info, you'd be looking at a $1200 mortgage payment. So for a small business, your overhead potential is great.

So is owning a Bowling Alley in Carson City your new dream? These pictures may sell you like they sold me.

You Can Own A Bowling Alley For Less Than A Home In Carson City

The Carson City Lanes are up for Sale, and for $130k you can own your own Bowling Alley

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