Major Announcement On The Way This Afternoon
Later today I will be making a major announcement that will change sports radio in this area forever. I have been teasing this for weeks. Some people have known for a while.
But, I felt compelled to wait for the perfect day and time. I have been doing sports radio for over 26 years.
My family has always been supportive of my being on the radio. I have gone through many ups and downs during my time on the air. I had to deal with my mother’s death.

Of course, that was horrific. My late mom “Corky” always was my largest supporter but she just hated the nickname “Mad Dog”.
It’s almost way too funny. My mom and my surrogate mom Clem Caruso were at one of my remotes at Azzi Jewelers. This guy came up to her and said so your "Mrs.Mad Dog?"
Oh my goodness she was not happy.
But, we all got a big chuckle out of that. Being called “Mad Dog” or “Dog” is a different way to be addressed. But, it’s worked!
There is one more “Mad Dog” on sports radio and television. Chris “Mad Dog” Russo. I want it to be clear I never stole his nickname.
I got that name from my imitations that I would do about deceased pro wrestler “Mad Dog” Buzz Sawyer.
So today is the day and I’ll leave it that. Thank you!
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