Will Smith Should Make A Biopic Movie About Juwan Howard
The $50,000 in fines the Big Ten assessed to Michigan and Wisconsin as a result of the fracas that broke out after February's basketball game in Madison will be donated to charity.
The Wisconsin State Journal reports the Big Ten hasn't identified which charity or charities will benefit. Michigan basketball coach Juwan Howard was fined $40,000 for his role, which included striking Wisconsin assistant coach Joe Krabbenhoft in the head.

This news got me thinking. First, I was again reminded of how odd it was that Howard's actions didn't get him fired. I can only think of a few college basketball coaches who could survive striking someone on national TV — all of them have at least one crystal basketball and none of them are in their third season.
Then, I thought about how bizarre of a scene it was when the episode occurred at the Kohl Center on Feb. 20. That conjured another memory, from about a month after Howard's incident — Will Smith slapping Chris Rock on national TV at the Oscars. Which of the two was more peculiar and inexcusable? That's a hard one to parse out.
Then it dawned on me — the two occasions could be more connected than by just their dates and embarrassing natures.
Since the Oscars slap, Smith has reportedly taken time to work on himself. And since hitting Krabbenhoft, Howard served a five-game suspension then returned to the hardcourt to finish Michigan's basketball season.
What if the two were to come together?
When a Hollywood celebrity is disgraced by scandal, he or she almost always takes some time off to allow for the outrage cycle to expire on them and move on to other controversies. Then, once a sufficient amount of time has passed so as to allow the American consciousness to practically forget, said Hollywood celebrity returns with a project meant to rehabilitate his or her image. Smith could accomplish this by starring in a biopic about Howard.
Think about it. Smith is an accomplished thespian with the proven ability to handle such a complicated role. He's already starred as an athlete in a biopic film with 2001's "Ali." He and Howard are close in age, separated only by a few years, and they're both taller men, although Howard has about half a foot on Smith— that's nothing the special effects wizards of Hollywood couldn't handle, though.
But what makes this combination most obvious to me is Smith's fit for the role. He already went full method actor by smacking Rock several months ago. His preparation for the role of Howard has already begun!
I can see the trailer now... "Will Smith is, 'Raised By Chicago: The Juwan Howard Story.'"
Hollywood, you're welcome!