Where Will Sports Radio Be In Five Years ?
Where will sports radio be in five years? There are hundreds of shows around the country. They exist in small markets, medium markets and large markets. Sports radio, to me is like ice cream everyone has their own flavor. It's developed into the good,bad and ugly in the sports world. I have been involved with sports radio for over 20 years. Don't get me wrong I still love it, but at times it can be come tedious and torturous.
Sports radio host's come from all walks of life. Lansing is market 128 in the country, with New York being number one. The key is not to be boring and robotic. Be entertaining, have solid guests and appealing giveaways. But, most of all get strong companies to back your show with creative advertising. It used to be ratings in sports radio, but in this day and age can your show generate revenue. There aren't very many radio companies in this country that are family owned any longer. So, hosts of sports radio stations have had to multi-task.
I have always sold my show. But, in the past seven years I have been a full time account executive too. I'm the only television and radio personality in Lansing, Michigan that does both jobs in a full time capacity. It's challenging at times but I really have grown to love the challenge. Yeah, that sounds crazy but I've always had a strong work ethic. Just some advice for the younger people getting into sports radio, it's not easy and you will have to hustle.