Gravy-Themed Coaster Coming to Indiana And NO, This Isn't a Joke!Gravy-Themed Coaster Coming to Indiana And NO, This Isn't a Joke!Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana has announced their newest coaster set to open May 2024: Good Gravy!, a Thanksgiving themed coasterLauren GordonLauren Gordon
Michigan’s Adventure Is Kicking Off Their 2023 Season With Exclusive DiscountsMichigan’s Adventure Is Kicking Off Their 2023 Season With Exclusive DiscountsIf you or someone you love has served in the military, this Memorial Day Weekend is a great time to visit Michigan's AdventureLaura HardyLaura Hardy
Michigan’s Adventure Getting Spooky by Adding a Halloween Season for 2023Michigan’s Adventure Getting Spooky by Adding a Halloween Season for 2023Things are getting a little creepy, spooky and fun this season at Michigan's AdventureLaura HardyLaura Hardy
Top 5 Adventures You Need to Experience in Pure MichiganTop 5 Adventures You Need to Experience in Pure MichiganFrom Kitch-iti-kipi to the Boyne SkyBridge, here are the top 5 adventures everyone needs to experience in Pure Michigan.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
How Many of Michigan’s Top 20 Attractions Have You Visited?How Many of Michigan’s Top 20 Attractions Have You Visited?It's time for a road trip! Have you traveled a lot of the state of Michigan? How many of the top attractions have you been to?Scott WintersScott Winters
Cedar Point Adds Nostalgic New Attractions Including 18th CoasterCedar Point Adds Nostalgic New Attractions Including 18th CoasterCedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio announces their new Boardwalk attraction for May 2023 and their 18th coaster Wild Mouse. Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Cedar Point, Michigan’s Adventure Going Cashless in 2022Cedar Point, Michigan’s Adventure Going Cashless in 2022Planning a trip to Michigan's Adventure or Cedar Point this summer? Plan to pay with cards inside the parks. JannaJanna
Could Michigan’s Adventure and Cedar Point Become the next Sea World?Could Michigan’s Adventure and Cedar Point Become the next Sea World?Could Michigan's Adventure and Cedar Point Become the next Sea World?Andy RentAndy Rent