Newest Netflix Doc Covers Allegan County True Crime CaseNewest Netflix Doc Covers Allegan County True Crime CaseThe true crime case of Aundria Bowman, of Allegan County, Michigan, is covered in the latest Netflix crime documentary "Into the Fire: The Lost Daughter".Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Ohio Woman Facing Criticism For Putting Up Her Halloween Display EarlyOhio Woman Facing Criticism For Putting Up Her Halloween Display EarlyA homeowner in Ohio says she has received complaints from community members for putting up her SUPER ELABORATE Halloween display in August.Dwyer & MichaelsDwyer & Michaels
Allegan County Residents Are Worried For This Local LandmarkAllegan County Residents Are Worried For This Local LandmarkReferred to as Knobloch Corners, the old stone mobile gas station off A-37 in Allegan County was recently damaged by another accident.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Michigan Wolverines Superfan Selling Home for $169,900 [Photos]Michigan Wolverines Superfan Selling Home for $169,900 [Photos]Hail to the curtains! Hail to the photos! Hail, hail to autographs on footballs and rest!Matt MilhouseMatt Milhouse