One of MI's Main Highways Shutting Down Until 2027 In SpringOne of MI's Main Highways Shutting Down Until 2027 In SpringThis closure will last until late 2027 as part of the final phase of the sweeping 'Restore the Reuther' project. Mark FrankhouseMark Frankhouse
100-Year-Old Lansing Business May Close Because of Road Construction100-Year-Old Lansing Business May Close Because of Road ConstructionBusinesses along Michigan Avenue are really feeling the drop in business due to road work. One business might have to close because of it.Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
What’s Up With Michigan’s New Electronic Highways?What’s Up With Michigan’s New Electronic Highways?Michigan has a new type of highway: introducing flex routes.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Frustrated Grand Rapids Drivers Will Soon Have One Less DetourFrustrated Grand Rapids Drivers Will Soon Have One Less DetourOrange barrels will probably never go away in West Michigan, but soon Grand Rapids drivers will see fewer of them. Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Construction Work Delayed On Division And Fulton In Grand RapidsConstruction Work Delayed On Division And Fulton In Grand RapidsIf you've driven through Grand Rapids this year, you know that construction has been a major headache for everyone.Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Does Anyone Know What’s Happening at This Intersection in Lansing?Does Anyone Know What’s Happening at This Intersection in Lansing?What the heck is happening in Lansing near 127?Kristen MatthewsKristen Matthews
You Have Grand Valley State University To Thank For The S-CurveYou Have Grand Valley State University To Thank For The S-CurveLearn how Grand Valley State University played a crucial role in reshaping Grand Rapids' notorious S-Curve.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Have You Noticed New Traffic Calming Projects Across Kalamazoo?Have You Noticed New Traffic Calming Projects Across Kalamazoo?The City of Kalamazoo, MI is testing new traffic calming safety features like speed humps and trial pedestrian islands.Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
One Of Michigan’s Most Dangerous Roads Is Finally Being RebuiltOne Of Michigan’s Most Dangerous Roads Is Finally Being RebuiltMDOT plans complete rebuild of dangerous M37 section in Caledonia for safety and traffic flow.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
The Most Dangerous Job In Michigan Goes UnnoticedThe Most Dangerous Job In Michigan Goes UnnoticedLearn about the essential maintenance practices keeping the 67-year-old Mackinac Bridge safe for daily commuters.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill