Police Warn of Black Bear on the Loose in LudingtonPolice Warn of Black Bear on the Loose in LudingtonThursday, May 16, 2024 a black bear was spotted on the streets of Ludington, Mich. JannaJanna
Camp on This MI Island with This Dangerous Animal: Would You?Camp on This MI Island with This Dangerous Animal: Would You?Could you sleep knowing that a dangerous animal was lurking around? Chris MonroeChris Monroe
Black Bear Hit and Killed on I-75 in Flint TownshipBlack Bear Hit and Killed on I-75 in Flint TownshipThat sure doesn't happen very often this far downstate.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
Bear Sightings Increase at Pictured Rocks in Northern MIBear Sightings Increase at Pictured Rocks in Northern MICampers, be vigilant - there has been an increase in black bear sightings up north this summer.AJAJ