Staying Safe In Michigan For Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
I have owned 2 motorcycle's in my life, and I sold both of them within a years time. Why? Because I had a few near accidents where I could have been seriously injured. I got to the point where I was uneasy about people around me in 2000 pound bullets called cars. If I ever live in a place that has wide open spaces and mild traffic, I would get another one, because I really love to ride.

May Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
May is finally here and so is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month according to fox47news.com. This is sad bit of news from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 5,000 motorcyclists died in 2019. Check this out from the NHTSA, they have suggestions for both drivers and motorcyclists to keep everyone safe and alive on our Michigan streets.
Safe riding practices and cooperation from all road users will help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our nation’s highways. But it’s especially important for drivers to understand the safety challenges faced by motorcyclists such as size and visibility, and motorcycle riding practices like downshifting and weaving to know how to anticipate and respond to them. By raising motorists’ awareness, both drivers and riders will be safer sharing the road.
More Safety Rules For Motorcycles
Remember that Arms and legs need to be covered when riding a motorcycle, leather or heavy denim is always your best bet. Always wear a helmet we have all learned at some point. Keep hydrated especially on hot days. Boots, or shoes should be high enough to cover your ankles. I always wore gloves to get a better grip, and shield my hands in case I wiped out. Don't wear dark clothing. wear something bright or loud so you can be seen by other drivers.
I always recommend a motorcycle safety or training course for folks just starting to ride, or as a refresher for veterans. Michigan has more info on those at Michigan.gov.