Social Security Offices Will Reopen Including Lansing
This has been a long time coming. Social Security offices will reopen on Thursday, April 7 for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
And yes this means Lansing too. There are 36 Social Security Administration offices in Michigan alone.

According to mlive.com:
"Given that many of the people we serve have health vulnerabilities, and consistent with our union agreements, we are continuing to require certain safety measures including masking, physical distancing, and self-health checks for COVID-19 symptoms," Kijakazi said in a statement. "We will provide masks to the public and employees if they need them."
I'm very happy to see that all 36 Social Security Administration offices in Michigan will reopen this week.
I need to make an appointment myself because I am getting closer to receiving Social Security benefits.
Trying to call one of the Social Security offices in Greater Lansing is very difficult to do. Once you finally get through, you're put on hold for a very, very long time.
In fact, I had to hang up a couple of times because no one picked up the phone on there end and I simply got tired of waiting.
Mlive.com also adds:
Kijakazi recommends people use the SSA's online services at ssa.gov/onlineservices or call toll free at 1-800-772-1213 instead of going into offices, if possible. Those who are deaf or hard of hearing can call the TTY number at 1-800-325-0778. For those wanting to go to the offices, appointments aren't required but are strongly encouraged.