Michiganders Question If There’s More To The Disappearance of Ruth Ann Miller
There's a particularly sad story in the Upper Peninsula from the 1960's that broke the hearts of all the residents near and in Calumet. The story has been told many times, but many people in Michigan wonder if the attempt to save young Ruth Ann Miller was misplaced or if all their efforts were in vain. There's a video which documents the timeline of events which led to the eventual passing of the young girl:
On Saturday, July 16, 1966 a happy and healthy seven-year-old girl named Ruth Ann Miller was playing with friends. She fell down an abandoned 1-mile deep vertical mine shaft in Calumet, Michigan in Houghton County (Upper Peninsula). Rescue teams were quick to arrive to the old Tamarack #4 mine, and a hazardous 3-day search operation ensued.

The video, which can be seen below has had many comments of people (by no means meaning to be disrespectful) who are questioning if the search should have taken place at multiple locations.
Everyone thought she had fallen to the mine shaft, but did she? Maybe there was another hole somewhere nearby, where she could've fallen, OR something else might've happened to her. How do we know that she went to the area, how do we know that she yelled to her brother from there?
The worst part of all of it is authorities could only speculate as to what had happened to the young girl, so all though we'll never know what actually happened, any theories can only be speculated with no proof behind it. She would have been 63 this year, and regardless of any theories, is still a tragedy she left the world so soon.