Private vs. Public: Michigan School Sports Need Separate Divisions
Pretty much EVERY single year in Michigan, the high school basketball champions for each division are private schools. Schools that are allowed to recruit the best players to come and play there. The promise of a good education for free (non-athletic kids have to pay for that) and the possibility of playing for championships are more than any public school could offer.
For years Southfield Christian has won the Division 4 State Championship in boys high school basketball. This year, they are 7-0 and ranked #1 again. Click here to see all the boys rankings. Southfield Christian plays and BEATS Division 1, 2 and 3 teams. Usually they dominate the Division 4 teams. A few years ago, a team from up north Powers North Central was able to pull off three Championships in row and beat Southfield Christian on a prayer...a last second shot that is still one of the craziest shots for a win I have ever seen. What made it most impressive was the public school beat the private school but it RARELY happens.
This year, Webberville is currently ranked #7 just below Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart at #6. 6 out of the 10 ranked teams were private. The only division in the state that doesn't have a private school ranked #1 is Division 3, which is basically all public schools.
How can public schools expect to compete on this unlevel playing field? It's time to start separating the teams because private teams will continue to keep popping up with a decided advantage. Let them play each other all year but separate them in the districts, regionals and finals.
Keep the 4 divisions of public schools and create 2 for private schools. MORE CHAMPIONS! More teams and towns that get to experience the magic of March. The current system is robbing everyone. It's all based on school enrollment numbers.
I bet those Championship games would be epic featuring some future professional players. Every year, more people are pushing for this.