This Is The Prediction For Old Man Winter In 2022/23
Old Man Winter is doing push ups right now. He is getting ready to unleash havoc on the Great Lakes this winter.
I always had snow growing up in Southwest Michigan. Lake effect snow is cumbersome where I grew up, better yet, it's relentless. In Lansing, we don't get a lot of snow. At least what I consider "a lot" of snow. Ever since I have lived in Lansing, the winters are mild, minus a good snowfall once a year. Last year was bitter cold, yet we didn't get a lot of snow.
Not this year folks. Every year since 1818, the Farmers’ Almanac has provided an extended weather forecast that helps people plan ahead. Sometimes it's accurate, other times it's not. Let's face it, the weather can change at anytime.
According to the Farmer's Almanac, in 2022/23 the Great Lakes region should be:
Unreasonably cold and snowy.
That's not very encouraging at all. The Farmer's Almanac also says this about the unreasonably cold temps:
the real shivers might send people in the Great Lakes areas (Northeast and North Central regions) hibernating.
I figure if it is going to be that cold outside, we might as well get some snow to have fun in while we freeze. Snow is pretty and there are so many things to do when there is snow on the ground.
As far as the snowfall we can expect this winter season, Farmer's Almanac says:
The Farmers’ Almanac suggests a stormy winter in on schedule especially for the eastern half of the country.
My overall assessment is that we will have another winter in Michigan. Will it be cold? Most likely. Will we get a ton of snow? I want to say yes, however I am not a trained weather professional and often times when predictions about snow are made they fall short of the original forecast. Weather is weird in Michigan, we're used to it changing every minute. I hope we get the snow, if I were placing a bet, I'd bet against it. That's my two cents.