Go Berry Picking at These 5 Mid-Michigan U-Pick Berry Farms
I am all about supporting the community and supporting locally owned businesses. When you spend your money locally, that's where it stays; local.
Lansing Area Farmers Markets
I recently did some searching to find out where I could find Farmers Markets all across the greater Lansing area and came across 14 great ones. Which got me thinking...where can I go to pick my own berries and the like?
Fruit Farms Near Lansing
Before I started doing the research for this article, I had only had the pleasure of going to a couple of pick-your-own-fruit-type places. Phillip's Orchard out in St. John's has a large selection of apple trees that you can stop by (when the season is right) to pick your own apples.

I've also been to Diederich's Farms in Webberville to pick some Earlyglow strawberries, which were perhaps the most delicious strawberries that I've ever had in my entire life. But they had others foods you could enjoy fresh-picked as well, like asparagus.
Pick Your Berry Farms in the Greater Lansing Area
But those are only two examples, in my research, I found a bunch more. And with summer and warmer weather right around the corner, there are going to be lots of berries to be picked since we'll be in the midst of the strawberry season. Why not get in on some of the fun? It's one of those fun activities that you can take the kids to and keep them busy. However, you might find that the kids eat as many berries as they pick...I know I was tempted. Check out the list below to find out where you can pick your own berries this season.