Need Your Street Plowed? If You Call the City of Lansing They Will Help
A week ago today we were dumped on with snow in the Mid-Michigan area. The Lansing area received 13.3 inches of snow. More than any of our neighboring towns and counties.
The City of Lansing was on point and ready to attack the streets with plows and salt. But how can only so many workers and trucks with plows get all of the streets? Think about it! There are so many hours and manpower necessary to get this intense task done. They do their best, but it takes a while to get to all of the side streets.
Last Thursday night my wife Carole took a chance and found a number to call the city. Because the street we are living on right now was just a mess with a ton of snow and ice. The mail people were having trouble along with Amazon and UPS drivers. So my wife took the initiative and found a number with the city of Lansing. She dialed it and actually got a live person to speak with. This woman was understanding and listened with courtesy. She had her on speakerphone.

First of all, I couldn’t believe she actually was speaking to someone with a pulse. Bottom line, when their conversation ended, I said to her I’ll be shocked if someone comes down our street and plows. But the next day before I had gone on the air my wife texted me that the city had just gone down on our street and plowed. I was astounded, but the City of Lansing came through big time. Thanks to the call center lady for getting the job done and thanks to the city for following through and plowing.
If Carole hadn’t called and spoken with someone, the street would have still been a mess. If you think you need to call, do it! I commend the City of Lansing for getting this done.