More Live Streams of Michigan HS Sports This Year
There are still unknowns about the school year, but if school is back then sports will be as well except with lots of changes. The Michigan High School Athletic Association is planning for a different 2020-21 season as there will be less or no people in the stands. Because of that the MHSAA has planned for another way for fans to check out their local team, by streaming more games online.
The MHSAA has announced, according to LSJ, that schools interested in streaming their events online and on-demand can receive free equipment to record those games for the upcoming year. The equipment will be free to schools, as they will have to pay for installation, but the equipment is upwards of $5,000 so this is a huge savings for schools.
The free equipment will allow schools to record indoor and outdoor games for the streaming channel NFHS Network (the network costs $69.99/year, or $10.99/month). Greater Lansing and Lansing area schools are on the NFHS network, so if you have a athlete in your house or related to one you will be able to see them play this season and in the future.
This is a great idea for high schools as they will make money and also allow for locals to still watch their team. The network can also be good for athletes that are looking to get a scholarship as college coaches will be able to see them play on demand. With everything happening in the world right now it is still unknown if high schoolers are even going to be in school but at least the MHSAA has a plan for this upcoming season and the future.

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