Michigan State To End Mask Mandates At Home Sporting Events
Michigan State University announced on Thursday that they will be ending mask mandates for home sporting events, beginning with Sunday's home men's basketball game against Maryland at the Breslin Center.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter university venues will also no longer be required.

MSU President Dr. Samuel Stanley said in a statement on Thursday:
“It is important to remember that many in our Spartan community will choose to wear a mask for their protection, some in our community also may ask you to wear a mask when you visit them due to special health concerns. As individuals make their personal decisions about health and safety, we should respect their decisions.”
“Moving forward, we will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and adjust our directives as needed. Thank you all, for doing your part to keep the Spartan community safe.”
The school has required masks and proof of vaccination against COVID-19 to enter venues since January 1st. There were also no food being served at the concessions stands at the Breslin Center. Only water, soda pop, and coffee. Those restrictions regarding food were relaxed several weeks ago.
For in-person classes on campus, masks are still required as well as for laboratory work and research spaces. It also includes health care facilities and CATA buses that enter campus.