Michigan Hunters Help To Feed Those In Need
Gone hunting and saving lives!
Many of us take for granted a warm meal, or lunch with friends but did you know that according to Feeding America in our great State there are 1,369,250 people are struggling with hunger - and of them 345,130 are children. 1 in 6 children struggles with hunger. That number is staggering and incredibly sad, yet thanks to our hunts, that number may decline!
Michigan sportsmen and sportswomen are giving back this holiday season with an all-time record amount of venison donated to local food banks and homeless shelters. Gohunt has reported that to date, current projections show that, for 2019, hunters have donated over 58,000 pounds of venison along with $100,000 to Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger (MSAH), which is a nonprofit partnership between the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Food Bank Council of Michigan, various homeless shelters and food pantries, meat processors and deer hunters.
Meat is the most expensive item that can be served and having the awesome hunters of Michigan giving their game is a big deal!
Thank you to everyone that donates, you are making a huge difference!
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