Get ready to hear the tornado sirens this week in Michigan.

In case you didn't know, Severe Weather Awareness Week started yesterday, March 21st, in Michigan. The State of Michigan is trying to remind residents that severe weather season is almost here which includes tornadoes, flooding, high winds, and more that can cause a ruckus in your life.

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As Severe Weather Awareness Week continues on, the annual Statewide Tornado Drill will happen on Wednesday, March 24th at 1 pm. The State of Michigan hopes that residents will have conversations about emergency preparedness including:

  • Do you have a plan?
  • Where will you go?
  • What will you do?
  • Do you know the alert systems in your area?
  • How will you communicate?

The website offers several resources for your family when it comes to "Planning Ahead." The site offers resources such as an Auto Preparedness Kit Poster, Auto Emergency Checklist, Emergency Prearedness Checklist, and Pet Emergency Preparedness Checklist.

Michigan sees, on average, 15 tornadoes per year and the average lead time for a tornado warning is 10 to 15 minutes. In the event of a tornado, here are a few things to keep in mind. If there is a tornado warning, seek shelter. Most injuries are associated with flying debris associated with the high winds. Go to the safest room possible like a basement, storm shelter, or the lowest building level and do not open the windows. To learn more about what to do in a tornado or how to prepare, click here. 


SEE MORE: 10 Signs To Look For When Watching For A Tornado


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