Mad Dog Recognizes Henry Meyer: He’s One of a Kind
If you haven’t gone down to Eastside Fish Fry yet, what are you nuts?
Henry Meyer is the owner and founder of Eastside Fish Fry. His business is 10 years old. Henry Meyer is a pay-it-forward cat that is beyond the word charitable. He founded East Side Fish Fry after he was incarcerated for a few years for distributing pot illegally. All you have to do is google his name and his story will be right there for you to read.
Henry Meyer and I became friends about 5 years ago when I sold him his website That’s really when things took off for his business. He has been a friend and a great client. But what happened about 3-4 years ago was amazing.
Henry was picked up by Guy Fieri’s Diner Show when he came through Mid-Michigan. It was a smashing success for marketing his business across America. He has had people come from all over the country to check out his place on Kalamazoo St. Henry has built that business into a powerhouse. I am very proud to be a part of it too.
His menu is diverse and has the best fresh and saltwater fish in the area. His menu is just too huge to touch upon. You need to go to it. Henry Meyer’s story is almost to the point where they could make a movie about him. He’s a great father, employer, and just an all-around hard-working cat.
All I can say is, if you haven’t gone down to East Side Fish Fry, you need to. Ask for Henry.