Did This Argument Just Go From Zero To Machete in Michigan?
Well, that escalated quickly now, didn't it?

Could you imagine if you're the first officer on the scene and you pull up to this guy in the street?
Who brought the machete? Who told you to bring a machete?
One minute, you're having a simple disagreement with a dude you know and you're both staying at the same hotel in Petoskey.
Next thing you know, you two have taken it to the streets and you've got a pretty large gash in your leg from where your acquaintance attacked you?
When police arrived, they found a 34-year-old Petosky man walking in the middle of the road with a severe laceration to his left leg. The man told police he had been attacked by a 56-year-old Petosky man with a machete staying at a local motel. (WILX)
It's a week later and folks are still trying to pull off their best Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th after Halloween.
Who attacks someone with a machete? And why?
The man also told police he knew his attacker before the attack, and the incident began with an argument between the men. The argument quickly escalated and that’s when he was attacked. Police did not say how the two men knew each other. (WILX)
They knew each other but we don't know what the argument was about.
There is no mention if drugs or alcohol were involved. Just that the older dude who was wielding the machete is now in jail and the person who got assaulted got treated for his injuries.
Let's not make this a thing with repeat performances.
Just a week ago, we told you about a dude with a katana and how he attacked a convenience store clerk.
According to FOX 17, a 36-year-old man used a katana to commit Armed Robbery and in the process wound up stabbing and giving a 56-year-old store employee critical injuries to his head and neck.
Read More: West Michigan Man Robs Store, Stabs Clerk With Katana Sword
I know it might sound crazy but could we do one thing? Could we stop attacking people with swords and machetes?
That ain't no kinda fun for anyone. Especially if you're on the receiving end of said sharp, hack and slash weapon.
Just a thought.