Detroit Once Had A Bar Built Entirely Out of One Giant Tree Log
Back in the early 1900's there was a bar located in the heart of Downtown Detroit, not too far from where Lafayette & American Coney island is today that had a bar with a truly unique bar top inside of it. A picture floating around the internet shows the interior of the Log Cabin Bar, which once sat at 65 Michigan Avenue in Detroit, Michigan, taken sometime in the early 1900's. The bar itself was made out of one single log. Detroit and Michigan were heavy contributors in the lumber industry during the 19th century and this bar definitely fit the scene at the time.
Otto Huck was one of the owners of the Log Cabin Bar and came to Detroit in 1892 to work there and eventually bought it outright. He also operated other restaurants during different periods in Schiller Hall and on Chene St on Gratiot Ave before his passing.

Any remains of the bar are now long gone, as the site of the former bar is now the address of a giant office building, so looking for any signs it was once there is unfortunately pointless.
America has a strange way of destroying its history and the buildings that were a part of their history, considering it is still such a young country. With other countries in Europe you'll see buildings and foundations that span centuries, and it's a shame we have to fight to preserve those that only span a few hundred years here. Little is known about what happened to the bar or when it closed, but this no doubt was a cool fixture of Detroit's past.