Lansing Summer Tourism Returning From COVID-19
We are so glad to see summer coming in Michigan, although the winter here sure could have been worse. Last year when summer hit, we all pretty much stayed home to keep everyone safe from the pandemic, a tough summer for many. So glad that is behind us. Well fox47news.com says tourism officials are working to help Lansing's travel industry return from last year’s slump.

We all remember that traveling and tourism took a big hit because of the pandemic.
We feel that it’s going to be a nice change for this summer compared to last,” said Julie Pingston, the Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau President & CEO. “There will be some events taking place in the region and we’ll be able to get people back out traveling.
We are all anxious to put all of this pandemic stuff behind us and start living life again, and traveling is one way to do it. Lansing’s hotel bookings in April 2020 were only at about 20%, That is a big decline from the normal, which is 65% for that time of year. In April 2021, hotels were at 45% much better then last year. I guess the Michigan State University commencement ceremony last week was a big help to Lansing’s travel return.
Check this out the Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau has joined over 100 businesses to sign the Greater Lansing Safety Pledge. It's a way to maintain COVID-19 protocols and safety for our friends coming to our area city.
Lets hope this is a great summer for everyone.