You're driving along, just mind your own business, running errands, grabbing food, and you hit something. Something that dips your car down, and throws it back up real quick.

Sometimes your car makes a sound of discomfort, while other times the sound is probably coming from you.

We call these potholes in Michigan.

Why Is This Stretch Of Road In Okemos So Awful?

While I am typically in office, I do make trips over to Okemos fairly often and find myself on Okemos road at least once a week.

But can we talk about how awful Okemos road truly is?

The Entire Road Itself Isn't Awful - Just This Stretch Of Road Is

While the entirety of Okemos Road isn't all that awful in itself, there is a stretch that I wish I could just bypass all in itself, and it's towards the bridge.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Once you've passed the bridge, you'd better grab onto something, and slow down. Otherwise, you'll be cringing the rest of the way to Okemos.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Above is the roadway from 2019, but I can't imagine the condition has improved all too much.

The other day, I was on my way to Okemos and hit a pothole so bad, I thought I'd actually hit a person at first.

On my way back from Okemos, there was a cop car sitting there, actually blocking off the pothole in that area.

Google Maps
Google Maps

I'm sure the above photo can't be the same area as the pothole I'd hit the other night, but it does seem about right.

Where do you think the worst roads are in Okemos? Open the app and chat feature, and let me know.

The Michigan Railroad That Was Never Used

The Most Dangerous Intersections in Lansing

These are the most dangerous intersections in Lansing based on the number of accidents.

50 of Michigan's "Must-Drive" Roads

Gas up the car, grab those road munchies and a roadtrip partner that you can trust, and head out on some of Michigan's most unique roads and routes. Make sure you take lots of photos and video!

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