Lansing-Area Top 10 (Errr…11) High School Football Teams
The regular season is over, and eighteen area teams have qualified for the playoffs, set to begin this coming weekend all over the state of Michigan.
I think now is a good time to update who I think are the top 10 teams in the area heading into the postseason.
It's supposed to be the top 10 teams, but it's going to be 11 as I can not differentiate between the two 8-Man teams still alive.
So, here we go!!!
Lansing Area High School Football Top 10 (October 27, 2021)
I'm not sure the Pirates are the best team in the area. But I put them number 1 as a reward for going 9-0 and beating Lansing Catholic fair and square in Week 9. What a coaching job by Jeremy Miller who won his 100th career game last week against Catholic.
What do you think of my poll? Do you disagree? Let us know what you think. To see that previous top 10 poll, see below.