An Open Letter to Those Cowardly Enough to Hit and Run
Unfortunately, we had an incident at the radio station today.

As one of our employees was arriving to work, waiting to turn into the parking lot, someone was backing out of our parking lot into the street and backed right into our employee. Thankfully, our employee is totally fine and uninjured. Sadly, the same can't be said for their car.
Hit and Run Accidents
And as for the person who caused the accident, they decided that they didn't need to stick around to take responsibility for what they had caused, to wait for police and exchange insurance information, or even to see if our employee was okay. And to that I say; shame on you.
Not only is stopping to make sure the person you hit is okay the right thing to do, but it's also quite literally the law to stay there at the scene. According to Michigan Legislature,
It's cowardly, trash people like you that make the world a little bit more difficult to deal with. Again, thankfully this situation was not so serious that our employee was injured. However, you should really reconsider your cowardly actions. And at the end of the day, you know what they say about karma...
SEE ALSO: How Do Drivers Not Understand What One-Way Streets Are?
If you're reading this, I hope this situation never happens to you.
And if you're reading this and you happen to be the person who caused this accident, you should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you make better, and safer, decisions in the future.
Speaking of driving safely, the Lansing area has no shortage of dangerous intersections. Check out where you can find them below, and drive safely.