Spring will be taking over Michigan before we know it... Or, at least every Michigander who's tired of these frigidly cold temps is telling themselves that. And with spring comes spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning is a chance to shake off the literal and metaphorical cobwebs. It allows us and our homes a chance to breathe and a bit of a fresh start.

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Read Related: 15 Reasons Why Spring is the Worst Season in Michigan

With that in mind, Michiganders face a specific set of challenges when it comes to spring cleaning. Some things that other people in those other, warmer states don't have to worry about (I'm looking at you Florida and Texas).

12 Spring Cleaning Issues Only Michiganders Deal With

Michiganders face an obstacle course of winter-related woes when it comes to spring cleaning. But if you've got no idea where to start, here are 12 things that will help you tackle spring cleaning like a pro.

1. Salt-Crusted Floor Mats

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The road salt you've tracked into the car has been collecting all winter and it's starting to get crusty—time to give those things a wash.

2. Ice Scrapers and Snow Brushes

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Clean these bad boys off and store them away... but maybe not too far, in case we get an early spring snow.

3. Heavy-Duty Winter Coats

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Be sure to double-check the pockets for snacks or that rogue dollar bill before you give these a wash and store them away with the winter clothing items. p.s. any and all cash found by the washer of the clothes gets to keep that money, just saying...

4. Boot Trays

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These things have been doing their job all winter. But now they're crusted in mud and salt. Scrub these up.

5. Entryway Salt Stains

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Whether you come in through your garage or your front door, there's going to be some salt staining. Be sure to tackle that with water and a gentle cleanser, or some vinegar.

6. Mud Room/Front Closet Overhaul

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Wash the rugs, scrub the floors, and swap the winter gear for the rain gear.

7. Snow blower

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Since you won't need this for at least a few months, be sure to drain the gas before you tuck it away for the season.

8. Grill and Patio Furniture

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Wanna be ready for the first good weather day to grill and sit outside? Well, that equipment has been sitting around all winter... give the patio furniture a good hose and the grill a good clean.

9. Gutter Cleanup

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Spare leaves and branches have gotten together with some ice throughout the winter to have a party in your gutters; time to clear them out.

10. Furnace Filter

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Your house has been shut all winter long, which means all of those air particles have been floating around your house. Time to swap the dusty, old filter for a fresh one. Especially is you have pets.

11. Snow Pants and Gloves

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Another set of items to wash and store away for next winter's use.

12. Winter Emergency Car Kit

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You won't need that kitty litter for traction again until the next bad snow. Time to take it out of your car.

15 Reasons Why Spring Is Genuinely Michigan's Worst Season

What's great about Michigan is that it actually gets to experience all four seasons in the year. But just because we have all four seasons doesn't mean that we have to like them all. Case and point; Spring is the absolute worst season in Michigan. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely some redeeming factors like the fact that plant life starts to bloom again and that we finally start to see warmer weather after a frigid winter. But that doesn't change the fact that spring is the worst season in Michigan, and we have the receipts to prove it. Take a look at the list below for 15 reasons why spring is just the worst.

Gallery Credit: Kristen Matthews

10 Spring Cleaning Chores Only Midwesterners Have To Do

Midwest winters sure give us a lot of extra things to do when the weather warms up. Here are some things you won't want to forget in your spring cleaning endeavors.

LOOK: The most expensive weather and climate disasters in recent decades

Stacker ranked the most expensive climate disasters by the billions since 1980 by the total cost of all damages, adjusted for inflation, based on 2021 data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The list starts with Hurricane Sally, which caused $7.3 billion in damages in 2020, and ends with a devastating 2005 hurricane that caused $170 billion in damage and killed at least 1,833 people. Keep reading to discover the 50 of the most expensive climate disasters in recent decades in the U.S.

Gallery Credit: KATELYN LEBOFF