If You Hear ‘Code Brown’ In A Michigan Walmart, Get Out Fast!
Imagine you're casually wandering through Walmart's (narrow) aisles, maybe eyeing that inflatable pumpkin you've always had your eye on, when suddenly, through the loudspeakers, a mysterious announcement declaring a "Code Brown."
You're not sure if it means there's an emergency or if someone spilled a ridiculous amount of chocolate pudding. But the truth is, Michiganders, a Code Brown, is a dangerous situation requiring immediate and swift action.
What is a Code Brown?
If you hear "Code Brown" over the Walmart intercom, it's not a price drop notification. Code Brown means there's a potential act of violence happening inside the store.
Yes, it's that serious. Think active shooter scenarios, and you're on the right track.
Why is a Code Brown a Secret?
You might wonder why Walmart uses color codes like it's running a spy operation instead of just saying, "Hey, there's a situation!" Well, it's simple: panic is not a good look. If Walmart started yelling "Active Shooter" over the PA system, everyone would panic, carts would be abandoned, blocking exits, or some may take the opportunity to exit the store and skip the checkout.
The color-coded system is designed to allow staff to be aware of the situation until it's time to react.
What Should You Do During a Code Brown
If you're in a store and you hear Code Brown, take it seriously. Stay calm (easier said than done), locate the nearest exit, and leave immediately IF IT'S SAFE.
RELATED: ENOUGH! Walmart Eliminates These in Select Stores: Michigan Next?
If you can't escape, find a safe place to hide, lock doors if possible, and silence your phone. While I hope you never have to experience one, at least you'll be ready in the event you and your family are caught in the middle of a Michigan Walmart Code Brown.
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