MICHIGAN TRAVEL ALERT Orkin’s 2024 Top 50 Bed Bug Infested Cities
You're itching already, and you've only read seven words. Like you, just the thought of a bed bug lurking makes my skin crawl. That's why it's important to head into your vacation knowing whether or not your destination is a hotbed for bed bugs. Orkin has done the research and named the top 50 cities in the United States that have the biggest issues with this tiny little bug. Is your vacation destination one of them? Are you living in one of the 3 Michigan cities on the list (an improvement, as there were 4 on last year's list)?
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Do you think you know the signs of a bed bug infestation well enough to spot one before you lay down on an insect-infested bed? Just in case, let's review what to do before you plop head first onto that hotel comforter.
The Telltale Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation
The first step in checking your vacation rental for bed bugs is to resist the urge to flop on the bed like a dying fish. Step two: break out your flashlight (or the light on your phone because who carries a flashlight anymore?) and channel your inner CSI detective skills. Start with the bed--because, you know, "BED bugs." Lift the corners of the mattress and inspect the seams; don't forget the headboard if there is one.
If you see tiny dark spots, little eggs, or the bugs themselves, grab your bags, head to your car, and make different arrangements for your stay. Seriously, run like you're in a horror movie. You do not want to take these invasive pests home with you. Talk to your vacation rental company or hotel and make them aware they have a big, tiny problem.
How to Rid Your Michigan Home of Hitchhiking Bed Bugs
If you have the misfortune of bringing these pests home, it's time to go to war. Wash all your clothes and linen in hot water and dry them on high heat (bed bugs hate heat). Vacuum every nook and cranny of your suitcase (or just pitch it), and consider calling in a professional exterminator.
RELATED: Michigan's Stink Bugs: To Squish, or Not Squish?
Or, you can avoid the itch and comb through the following 50 cities to be sure your vacation destination isn't one of Orkin's most infested.
America's 50 Most Bed Bug Infested Cities For 2024
Gallery Credit: Scott Clow