These Are The Best Places To Get A TRUE Michigan Pasty
I firmly believe as a Michigander, one of the rights of passage to becoming a true Michigander is to find the best place to get a pasty. This traditional meat pie has been pretty much adopted as one of Michigan’s state foods, aside from the Coney dog. But pasties have a rich history in Michigan, even though they were traditionally made in England.
They were brought over to Michigan by Cornish minors when they migrated to northern Michigan sometime in the 1800s. Because the minors would be in mines all day they would need to bring a meal with them without the ability to heat it up, the pasties would stay hot so they would have a nice warm meal to eat while down there.

Thus the tradition began, and now all over the state, there are many places that serve these hearty meals and specialize in putting their own personal twist on them. But what are some of the best ones in the state to get? If you’re a true lover of pasties, then you need to visit these 10 places all across the state in both the upper and lower peninsula. Trust us, it'll be worth the trip.
Let us know which ones are your favorite even if we missed some. There are so many different places it was hard to narrow it down to just 10. But I think we can all agree that if you eat these with ketchup, you're in fear of having your Michigander citizenship revoked. #GravyGang
10 Best Places In Michigan To Get A Pasty
The Best (and #1) Pasties in the Upper Peninsula