Michigan Has Three of the Most Loathed Highways in America
A recent survey ranked 3 Michigan highways among the most hated in the nation. Do you think they got it right?
When I hear people complain about traffic in Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, or even Grand Rapids I have to laugh to myself. Not to minimize their experiences but, I have spent so much time stuck in traffic in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, and Detroit, that I know what real traffic frustration feels like. It's no surprise to me that the top 3 most loathed highways in America are in California according to this recent survey Gunthervolvocarsdaytona.com. They recently surveyed 3,000 drivers about which highways are the most hated. It's worth noting that 3,000 is a pretty small sample size when considering how many drivers and highways exist in the U.S.

I-75 Around Detroit and Flint
I-75 tends to be hated in every city it touches. And it touches a lot of cities as I-75 is 1,786 miles long running from Michigan's Upper Peninsula to the southern tip of Florida. The traffic congestion around Detroit and Flint makes it the 49th most loathed highway in the U.S. and the most loathed in Michigan.
I-94 Around Detroit and Ann Arbor
I-94 is a whopping 1,600 miles long stretching from Port Huron, Michigan to Billings Montana. This is the second most loathed highway in the state of Michigan and ranks #60 in the nation.
I-96 Around Grand Rapids and Detroit
At 192 miles in length, I-96 is a relatively short highway. Due to traffic issues, this is the third most loathed highway in Michigan and ranks #75 in the country.
Highways that made the loathed list in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois include:
- #9 I-90/I-94 (Dan Ryan & Kennedy Expressways) in Illinois
- #15 I-290 (Eisenhower Expressway) Around Chicago, Illinois
- #19 I-75 Around Cincinnati and Toledo, Ohio
- #46 I-71 Connecting Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland, Ohio
- #58 I-65 The parts near Indianapolis and Northwest Indiana
- #59 I-55 The stretch around Chicago, Illinois
- #66 I-70 Around Columbus, Ohio
- #78 I-465 The loop around Indianapolis, Indiana
Do you think the survey got these correct? Give us your thoughts in the social media comments and drive safely.
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Gallery Credit: Scott Clow