Why Are Animal Abuse Cases Exploding in Michigan?
State Police say they are getting more and more calls about animal cruelty. What is happening?
The Michigan State Police Say In 2021 Animal Abuse Hit An All Time High
MSP responses to animal abuse cases rose four times in 2021 compared to five years earlier, with over 600 cases reported in 2021.
Experts Agree There Is A Relationship Between Animal Abuse And Domestic Violence
Violent crime statistics rose overall during the recent Covid-19 pandemic, and that may be part of trend that many experts have shown is a tie between animal violence and domestic violence.
The National Resource Center On Domestic Violence released an abstract in 2014 that made a direct connection between animal abuse and domestic violence:
...pet abuse is one of the forms of intimidation listed in the power and control wheel used by domestic violence victim advocates ...Abusers threaten, injure, and at times kill pets in order to control their victims and to create an environment of fear within the home.
Mental Health Strains Brought On By The Pandemic May Be The Root Of The Rise
According to Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido, the epidemic had a negative impact on the general mental health of Michigan residents, which made it harder for people to see and report crimes like animal abuse, domestic violence, and child abuse.
This reminder for Michigan residents, it is a felony punishable by up to 10 years for someone to torture or kill a pet, especially if it is done with the intention of inflicting emotional pain on someone else. That law has been in place since 2019.
10 Animals You Can’t Own As Pets In Michigan