Time change! Always a frustrating time for all of us. In the Spring we "spring ahead" by moving our clocks ahead one hour. We lose sleep, are tired for a week, and it's always an adjustment to get used to the new time. Plus, we're running around our house changing clocks, alarms, microwave, stove, cars and watches. What a pain.

AVAVA/Getty Images

Don't get me wrong, we love the extra daylight for all the summer things we do, but looming ahead is the reverse, time change again as we "fall back" and return to standard time. We gain some sleep, but again, it takes time to adjust and now we do the "change our clocks dance" all over again.

So, why are we changing our clocks in the first place?

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UnSplash/Getty Images

Website History.com says that most folks think it was created for farmers so they would have more daylight in the fields. But, nooooo, not correct. Not all farmers like it.

The real reasons for daylight saving are based on energy conservation and a desire to match daylight hours to the times when most people are awake.

Daylight saving bounced around, on and off, for years. History.com continued:

Finally, in 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which standardized daylight saving across the country and established its start and end times in April and October (later changed to March and November in 2007).

So, when do we "fall back" and return to Standard Time here in Michigan this year?

UnSplash/Toa Heftiba
UnSplash/Toa Heftiba

THE FIRST SUNDAY IN NOVEMBER, and that would mean November 3, 2024!

Seriously, why can't we have one standard time in this country? Is anyone listening?


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