There are many things that are only unique to Michigan.

So it is quite hilarious to see people freak out over things that Michigan natives have been accustomed to all of their lives.

I was scrolling on TikTok and found the perfect example of this.

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Raquel Escamilla via TikTok
Raquel Escamilla via TikTok

Here are a few things that would have Californians or West Coast people, in general, losing their minds about if they moved to Michigan told by Raquel Escamilla on TikTok.

1. The Pronunciation of These Three Cities

She starts off with a banger. I would not just say West Coasters would have a hard time with these.

She says that Californians would not be able to spell Cheboygan, Ypsilanti, or Dowagiac.

Racquel Escamilla via TikTok
Racquel Escamilla via TikTok

As an East Coast girl from Maryland, these cities (except Ypsilanti) have me messed up.

2. "Michigan's Bipolar Weather"

I 100% agree with this one.

As I am sitting here typing as a full blizzard is going on outside, this would definitely send Californians into a shock.

Raquel Escamilla via TikTok
Raquel Escamilla via TikTok

Raquel said it best,

"Here in Michigan, it can be bikini season in the morning and then by noon, it can be parka season. You just never know."

3. Michigan is not just farmland

As someone who thought this, I can say I was extremely shocked to see that Michigan had more than farms.

Raquel Escamilla via TikTok
Raquel Escamilla via TikTok

When I went to Grand Haven for the first time, I was genuinely excited yet very confused.

4. People Actually Surf In Lake Michigan

Again, it completely shocked me that people surfed in the lake.

Whenever I thought of a beach, I would think of crazy oceans. Whenever I thought of a lake, it was always docile and calm waters.

Raquel Escamilla via TikTok
Raquel Escamilla via TikTok

Lake Michigan completely changed that idea for me. Those waves are something serious.

5. Take Your Tractor To School Day

Now while my first instinct was to laugh, I genuinely want to know how this would work.

Raquel says that this happens in the UP. Are tractors fast enough to be on highways or regular roads?

I would love to see how they would actually get to school on one of their tractors.

Raquel continues by saying that Californians would be confused by the difference between custard and ice cream. Do they not have those two things in Cali?

Honestly, Raquel's TikTok was very eye-opening. She added a lot of other things that I would not have thought of. She may even make a part two.

If you want to see the full video, you can watch it below.

@raquel_escamilla#michiganderliving#michigancontent#michigancontentcreator#michiganthings#thingsmichigandersdo#michigansayings#michiganaccents#midwesternliving#midwesternersbelike#mackinacislandlife#tractordays#michiganliving♬ Players - DJ Smallz 732 - Jersey Club Remix - Coi Leray

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