High School Football Players Suspended for Running Naked with Oreos in their Butts
In yet another edition of "yes, this is a real headline and it's not The Onion"...
...we bring you the story of ten football players at a high school in Northern Illinois. They ran across the field, butt-naked, with Oreos wedged between their buttocks, and were suspended for three games last month.
And, to add insult to injury (presuming that an Oreo in your buttcrack can cause some kind of...issue), the last game they were suspended for was a Class 3A state championship game...and their team LOST. *womp womp*
A local newspaper got a hold of the letter that parents were sent, which is how they found out about it. And we're kinda glad they did, because it's just too good of a story to fly under the radar.