Governor Whitmer Allowing Bigger Crowds At Stadiums
At a press conference at Midland's Down Diamond (home of the Great Lakes Loons), Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced further rollbacks of crowd restrictions at stadiums and arenas in Michigan going forward.
Current attendance limits will be lifted, effective June 1st, at all stadiums in Michigan. And indoor attendance restrictions will increase to 50% on that date.

All restrictions on mask-wearing and attendance restrictions will be eliminated on July 1st.
However, stadiums, restaurants, and other businesses are still within their right to have self-imposed mask and attendance restrictions if they want to.
Michigan has been one of the hardest-hit states with COVID-19 during the pandemic. As of Wednesday, nearly 900,000 Michiganders have been infected with the coronavirus. And almost 19,000 people have died due to the virus and related complications. That's according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.