Gov. Whitmer Helps To Reopen Pro Sports In Michigan
Those were the days. The days of great baseball games in the summer time. In some stadiums virtually sitting on top of each other, enjoying a hot dog and a pretzel and an ice cold beer. Everybody hollering and having a great time. That beer guy taking your money that passed through about 10 pairs of hands and you grabbing your beers that passed again through those same hands. We didn't have a care in the world.
In a world before we worried about social distancing. In a world before we even knew what social distancing even was or that it could even exist.
Then COVID-19 came along and everything just shut down. Including sports of all kinds and professional sports of all kinds. Gone was our trips to Comerica to watch our Tigers. Gone was our trips downtown to enjoy the great local entertainment that is a Lugnuts game. They all do such a terrific job at Cooley Law School Stadium. So much fun.
But it wasn't just baseball, it was every sport. Basketball, football any sport that I can't even think of and that you could possibly imagine just wasn't happening or probably wouldn't happen because of the Coronavirus.
But there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Major League Baseball is now playing 60 games this year and the season begins about a month from now and players won't report like in the usual phases of a "Spring Training" scenario. They will all show up at the same time at their teams stadium at the beginning of July to get ready for the short season.
Time you see, is of the essence. And Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is doing her part to help safely reopen pro sports in our state by signing an Executive Order earlier today, according to News 10. The order basically states practices and games can begin again as long as teams and participants follow the guidelines that we are all aware of that helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. Get more info about the Governor's Executive Order here from News 10.
And don't forget at this time these events will take place without fans in the stands.
I guess I'm just going to have to settle for booing the Astros from the comfort of my own home...

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