Get A Munchie Stimulus By Booking A Hotel On 4/20
We're finally in the beautiful month of April. It's the month that brings us those showers that bring May flowers. It is also the glorious month that always provides every single year with 420, the date 4/20 of course. Teenagers, hippies, and even some regular suit and tied professionals alike are probably looking forward to 4/20.
This year, Hotels.com is looking to help those who like to smoke the happy stuff, a little bit of a Munchie Stimulus, and let's be honest, who doesn't like free money to go out and buy food with!

The best part is, you just have to is book a hotel on or before 4/20. Hotels.com will then give you your very own munchie stimulus of $200, which they are calling "munchie money."
If you are interested, all you need to do is send your booking confirmation information to munchiehotels@hotels.com anytime between now and yes, you guessed it 4:20 a.m. on April 20th.
Let's be honest here, $200 isn't much, but it's enough for tacos, pizza, ice cream, chicken nuggets, and man does that list go on! You for sure aren't going to want to puff and pass up on this offer.
You can read the full terms and conditions by clicking on this link here.
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