Find Out How to See Michigan High School Football
Since there aren't going to be that many people allowed at games if you still want to watch your favorite high school there is a way. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer about a week ago went through with kicking off, pun intended, the 2020 Michigan high school football season.
With kickoff happening this week there were some restrictions put in place. The biggest one being 2 people per athlete will be allowed in the stands. This rule has obviously put some families and friends to make a choice about whether they should go to the game or not. The decision can be made easier now as there is an way to watch every single high school football game and other fall sports from all over Michigan.
Starting Thursday there will be Michigan high school football available to watch at home and on demand with the NFHS Network. The network streams hundreds of football, volleyball, pretty much any sport that is going on at a high school all around the country. To find your favorite team you can just search it at the top of the site or go here, as I searched it already for you. You don't have to worry about missing a game because the games will available for days after the game has been played so you'll never miss anything.
You can also access the network on Roku if you have the service. More about it here.

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