East Lansing Bouncer Body Slams Bar Patron WWE-Style On Sidewalk
Bouncers have it tough.
First of all, they're the only ones at their place of work not having a good time. Secondly, their job is to literally be the fun police. And thirdly, when their job is at its worst, they have to deal with entitled, inebriated jackasses.
And for bouncers in a college town, the job is even worse.

That brings us to Dublin Square, situated in the heart of East Lansing, home of Michigan State University. In case you're not familiar, Dublin Square is a popular haunt among MSU's of-age enrollment, thanks to its premium location right along Abbot Road and its drink specials. It's also popular thanks to its popularity, if that makes any sense; Dublin Square regularly has a long line stretching out the door and down the sidewalk along Abbot Road.
Classes have only just begun at MSU. It's mid-September, and the waning Michigan summer is still accommodating. Plus, it's football season. All of these factors make it a busy bar scene in EL.
Such was the case recently when someone shared to Reddit a video of one of Dublin Square's bouncers who had simply had enough of one patron. Warning — there is strong language and violence in the following footage.
Unfortunately, no backstory seems to be available to shed further light on what precipitated this incident.
What we do know, though, is that the bouncer in question here has impeccable form while delivering what's known as a powerbomb in professional wrestling. In fact, his technique is so superb and the velocity so great that the maneuver may be better likened to a variant of the powerbomb known as the jacknife powerbomb, popularized by wrestler and Michigan native Kevin Nash.
The chief criticism of professional wrestling is that it's fake, but I guarantee the recipient of this bodyslam wasn't faking the pain he experienced.